Wednesday, August 3


My sleeping pattern has gone haywire. I sleep at around 6-7pm, wake up at 12 or 1am and that's it; I can't sleep no more. Dr Kana is very concerned about this change in sleeping pattern. But I can't help it, I am sleepy by late evening, and after waking up to go to the washroom, I am not able to sleep anymore.

One of the side effect of the steroid I am taking is insomnia, it could be due to that. The steroid also causes damage to the kidneys, and change in sleep pattern is also one of the symptoms. I will get my urine analysed to see if there is any signs of kidney damage.

But really, if we think of our pre-fire ancestors, what do they do when night falls? Most probably they go to sleep or make babies. What else can you do in the dark? Am I just reverting to the natural ryhthym of our forefathers? But then again, not quite because I wake up in darkness at 1am. But going to sleep in the evening is not that strange.

I guess because of the convenient evening lights that we are able to extend the duration of our activities. Non-noctural animals also goes to sleep when the sun goes down.