Thursday, June 23

Jannie's counselling

Went to see Jannie today. We talked about the various different therapies and their sometimes conflicting advice. We talked about Gerson Therapy, Macrobiotics and other therapies. We concur that Gerson is a therapy that needs monitoring by trained Gerson personnel. It is difficult for one alone, especially it involves a lot of monitoring.

The only Gerson-related advise I follow now is just the juicing. Jannie,and other people, has advised me that Gerson's diet may be more suited for Western palate, and we Asian has to follow more of the staple stuff we eat, for example rice instead of potato.

Jannie is very knowledgable and most happy to share her knowledge. She said she makes sure the organic items in her shops are REALLY organic because she herself, a cancer survivor, eats what she sells. She won't waste the 2nd chance the Creator has given her after her 2nd victory against cancer.

Thanks, Jannie...for the advise and encouragement.