Wednesday, August 3


Tackling cancer is a grim task. The patient and the caregiver faces daily hardship, especially in the beginning. It is quite difficult to be jolly or find joy in such tasks. I realised that I have not had a heartly laugh for a long know, those from-the-belly type of guffaws?

It is only recently when my childhood friends like Fong, Simon and Cheah came, and my health has improved, that we find we can revert to our child-like sense of humor. It is not easy to laugh when you can't even breath...haha

Childhood friends fills a special place in our life that somehow no "adult" or "working"-life friends can fulfill. We share something special that has long been built since those innocent times. We joke and laughed at jokes only we understand. We teased each other the way only we can tolerate.

Fong and I sometimes share some telephatic ability (of course, I am the one with the superior psychic ability), like the times one would sing a song when the other was thinking about at the same time, or one would call when the other was thinking of calling.

Oh yes, got a bit distracted...laughter...yes... the ability to have a good laugh when you face cancer. I read that there was a man who, when he found out he has a terminal disease (or so the doctors told him), locked himself in a hotel room and watched comedy movies for a whole day, and the disease disappeared. Something about massive doses of feel-good endorphin flooding his system while he was laughing his way thru the comedies.

Some friends have remarked that when they first decide to visit me, they were unsure about how to react and what to talk about. They are afraid of getting both me and themselves sad and upset because of my condition. I know of two friends who until now could not bring themselves to visit me because they "don't know what to say".

Aiyo...! Just come and be like before...let's laugh and be stupid! Why wreck yourself about what to say? And for those who confessed that they are unsure about what to bring for me when they visit...hej, I am not being greedy, I am happy enough to see you, but if you insist on bring something, well, who am I to say no..hehe.

So if it makes you feel better, and you have movies, shows, stories, books, comics, person, body parts, pets or whatever which will bring the house down with belly-aching guffaws, bring them along!!! Of course, bring your own sense of humour...the kinkier the better ;)