Sunday, October 16

It's the combination, stupid!

I am often amused when a producer would list how its product is better than its rival. This is often done by highlighting how its ingredients are of higher dose than the rival's. So more is better, it seems.

I believe it is often the synergistic combination of ingredients rather than its volume that create a great product. That is how great dishes are's that secret balanced combination of ingredients that gives its special flavour; not adding more of its ingredients!

That's what I like about a report I read at Jon Barron's ( Here's the part which caught my eye:

"The Additive Principle
Another point to keep in mind is that alternative therapies are not subtractive. They are "additive." An alternative treatment that would be dismissed as ineffective because testing showed it to be only 10% effective in isolation might nevertheless be an invaluable part of a comprehensive program that contained seven 10% components -- giving you a 70% chance of overcoming your cancer. But the medical establishment deliberately chooses not to test alternative therapies in this way -- thus condemning all seven components with the "quackery" label. So the only way you hear about effective alternatives is by word of mouth or anecdotal evidence."