Sunday, October 16

Would I push it?

"Since I was dying, why waste money? Better to keep it for the children’s education," said Madam Tum, a cancer patient. She was featured in my blog titled "At the NCI Cancer Hospital".

I am also thinking along similar lines. I am taking Iressa, a very expensive medication which I attributed for my currently good condition. I am thinking of tapering off and eventually going off it.

Why am I dicing with fate?

Thinking along the same line as the Madam Tum, although I don't have children, would the money be better spent elsewhere, for the healthier? I am not afraid of death, it's the process of dying that I am apprehensive about. The pain and suffering I had in May is not something I want replayed!

I am most happy to fully use the time Iressa has given me to put my worldly affairs in order. Do I have the luxury to ask how long would I want to be dependent on Iressa? Would the combination of other therapies like qigong and Chinese medication hold the cancer cells at bay?

I am currently taking Iressa every other day and it seems to be a good combination; I am getting stronger everyday. Would I want to push it to twice a week, then once a week and finally going off it?