Friday, November 11

Your number's up, old chap

So many people go to their places of worship to receive spiritual guidance. But many still fear death. I mean, if your scriptures promised a great afterlife; why do many people still fear death? I thought you would be looking forward to meet thy Maker (for those who believe in Makers) ;)

If you were to believe your scriptures; you would be looking forward to death. I think in some religions, at certain period of their history; passionate men and women had died willingly and eagerly for what they believe their holy books promised. Of course, they are also accused of being fanatics or misguided. Of being irrational and irrespective of life.

If you believe that someone up there loves you & eagerly want to take you away from Earth to meet him/her, why do you want to prolong earthy existence? Of course it is natural to want to prolong, but to cry and fear deaths just don’t gel with your proclaimed faith. You are just delaying the union between you and your maker...