Saturday, May 14

Sufi healing

Everyday brings surprises. Today I receive a delightful package from the US. It's a music CD from Zoë Samia Kaplan. She is the sister of Jed Kaplan. Jed is my friend who is also the husband of Helga my classmate at IIIEE. Let me quote Zoë's note to me:
"I have also been on a healing journey being diagnosed with MS several years ago. I have found this to be a very introspective and powerful time. I also learned about in the Sufi way, which involves, among other things, beautiful prayers about peace and love. I have made a CD of myself singing some of the prayers, known to heal the deep places inside of us. Please enjoy this gift from a new friend."

I have always admired the Sufi way as the most spiritual of Muslim teachings. The swirling image of Sufi dancers evokes the dances of the universe's elements. Zoë's music is very soothing and peaceful. Even our Muslim maid sang along with the CD. I guess this is the first time my sister's home was percolated with the Surah. Many Thanks, Zoë....your music really made my day, and I will delight in it always.

Details of Zoë and her music at