Tuesday, January 17

Hip Radio

Hip Radio...sounds like a new radio station playing hiphop music :)

Well, yesterday I did the first of 5 radiotherapy sessions to my right hip. The area are the right ischium, ilium and femur region where islands of lesions were detected; which is of no surprise because they were there since April 2005.

First had a chest x-ray to see the status of the effusion. The radiologist reported the effusion has increased slightly but Dr Kana and Dr Selva thinks it has stabilised considering I first reported the effusion a month ago.

Then started the long process of preparing me for the radiotherapy. First was another hip xray to determine again the location of the therapy. Then after Dr Selva has confirmed the exact location for the radiotherapy technicians, the treatment proceeded with great relief from me. One indignity I suffered was to have my genitals pushed aside to avoid the radio-rays. They were pushed towards the left side and held in place by tapes and dressing. :P

In total I was at NCI for nearly 3 hours. The extreme cold of NCI new wing doesn't help either.
Always wondered why buildings in Malaysia want to emulate autumn conditio; surely there is a comfortable temperature for human, maybe 25C?

I remembered reading that extreme cold condition in an enclosed environment lowers the immune system of the patient. Some people told me that such low temperature is needed to control patogen, well...patients are not exactly thrilled either! I also remember reading about hospitals of old which uses natural ventilation. Such system still exist in the Seremban Hospital which is airy and naturally comfortable. Diseases bought about by the connected air conditioned vents and channels are avoided too.