Tuesday, March 14

Siaran Tergendala

I was hospitalized since last Thursday due to my breathlessness. That explains my silence recently. However, I'm glad to say that I'm recuperating well in NCI hospital. Sure hope I can get back in action as soon as possible :)

Meanwhile, may you be well and happy!

(This message is published with the help of my blog custodian as I have no access to the internet right now)


Blogger CyberPartyGal said...

Take care!!

2:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is amazing that a single person can effect a million lives and never have one of their own. Think about those people who have changed the world in ways that very few people have.

Now why exactly I am bringing this up I really do not know but for the fact that I have been thinking about the many lives I have touched in one way or another. I have been the good friend to the back stabbing bastard. I have been trying to think of how many lives I have touched, how many I have gone through and my effect on them. Has it been good? Has it been bad?

3:02 pm  
Blogger Guatyen said...

looking forward for the "sambungan rancangan" soon. take care!

7:02 pm  

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