Tuesday, September 13


The past weeks, I felt weak in the legs, much weaker than before going to China, also was quite light headed if I were to over exert or if my movement were too abruct. Dr Yong my Chinese physician suspected that the medication I brought back from China is too strong or "san".

She suggested that I cut back from the 3 times recommendation to once a day, even that to be divided to be taken half at one time. She also supplement the China's medication with medication to bring my legs stronger, and acupuncture to the legs in addition to the usual head acupuncture.

I felt a marked improvement now. The weakness is gone and replaced by something very familiar BC (before cancer). BC, if I don't exercise for sometime, I have this feeling in my muscles that reminds me to get some exercise. I am getting that familiar sensation again. You know, the kind of feeling after waking up and you need to stretch to get rid of the sensation..really stretch like a cat does? ;)

I take this need-to-stretch feeling that my body is telling me it is ok, even necessary, for me to exercise...of course...only light exertion for me; walking qigong and just plain walking.