Monday, December 12

It's back...

The effusion made an anniversary come-back. Nearly half of my left lung is filled with fluid; the cause of my breathlessness. The spine has multiple spots of lesions. This could be the reason for the pain near the spine and weakness in my right fingers, especially the index and middle fingers. These were revealed in today's x-rays at NCI.

The options are now to resume taking Iressa everyday to see if this can salvage the situation. Of course combining this with qigung and reiki, and also resuming to my previous strict diet. If my current stock of Iressa is exhausted, and the effusion and symptoms are still there, Dr Kana said chemotherapy would have to be done. He has given me the options of four chemo-combination.

The spine lesions would have to be dealt with intravenous infusion of chemical, Bonefos don't seem to fully arrest the lesions. This will be done separately from the chemo for the lungs.

Certainly not good news. I have around 2 weeks supply of Iressa, let's see how it goes. I am disappointed but not too upset. Let's see how well and fast I can climb up this new valley in my healing journey.