Monday, December 5

A year ago...

A year ago, I was having breathless and dry cough episode in Buenos Aires. The next day on 6 Dec 2004 I was hospitalised and underwent a drainage of my pericardium. A few days before that, I had a strange deep pain at the back of my left lung.

I was very curious how the pain came about; I didn't exert myself and the pain is unlike anything I felt before; deep throbbing muscle pain. This was followed by dry cough and breathlessness. These were all a mystery to me then; never thought all these are the symptoms of cancer.

And now I am experiencing the same pain again, but the location is different; near the upper spine behind my right lung. A slight pain a few days ago, but now it is throbbing and sharp; not something I can ignore! I am also experienceing slight breathlessness.

Maybe tapering off Iressa was not such a good idea after all...

Well, guess I need to go to NCI for a scan immediately.