Thursday, May 5


A uncharacteristically compliant me agreed to everything Dr Kana suggested yesterday. He and Dr Selva wants my radiotherapy to start today. There is a nagging feeling I am being rushed but I do understand the urgency from the doctors' part.

Mr Lim yesterday saw me. And he expressed to my sister about his concern whether I am able to cope with radiotherapy in my current weakened state. My sister told me about Mr Lim's concern this morning. That is all the motivation I need to call NCI to postpone the first session.

I also checked the American Brain Tumor Asscociation's website to get more info at I looked at the possible side effects and my....I wouldn't want to put them down here.... :P

Could not get Dr Selva who is the radio oncologist, so talked with Dr Kana. He agree with the postponement. He also told me the possible consequnces, including sudden death if the tumors increases in size. I said sudden death would be the perfect solution; we laughed but he said that is not the solution. :)

So I have decided on next Wednesday for the 5 sessions because I like the weekend break. I will talk to Dr Selva tomorrow about the details of the radiotherapy...hopefully it will be short sessions like the previous therapy.