Sunday, June 5

The Flat World

Where were you when the world became flat?

I am reading one of my favourite author's latest book; The Flat World. Just finished Chapter 1. Thomas L. Friedman is a genious in his ability to provide frameworks to understand the world. In this new book, he brings his latest view on an exciting new phase in globalisation. (

He described the various era of globalisation; Globalisation 1.0 (1492-1800), started with Columbus's discovery of the New World which lead to beginning of global trade. The key agent of change in this era is how much muscle your country can muster over other nations. Globalisation 1.0 shrunk the world from size large to size medium.

Globalisation 2.0 (1800-2000) shrank the world from size medium to small. The key agent of change was multinational companies. Breakthroughs in hardware are the dynamic forces in this era; steamships, railroads, telephones to computers.

Now we are already in Globalisation 3.0 which has shrank the world from size small to tiny and flattening the playing field. If G1.0 was country globalising, G2.0 was companies globalising then G3.0 is individuals ability to collaborate and compete globally.

I guess you may have already sensed this. You as an individual already has the power to stay where you are and spread your influence and talent globally. I think we have not yet fully comprehend and has taken advantage of this new phase in human cooperation (for evil or good).

I can't wait to continue on this book. In the meantime, this is definitely exciting times ahead with so many unknowns and changes coming in the throes of a new era. Aren't you glad to be alive today, to be able to be part of this?

I am. :)