Tuesday, June 28

New organic farm

Last Friday, Mr Wong, his sister, Ah Wei and I visited a new farm land. It will be Mr Wong and Ah Wei's new organic vegetable farm. It got a channel with water from a nearby mountain, and the land has been left fallow for many years.

It was initially proposed to be a conventional monoculture farm but the project did not materialise, so the land is actually never farmed. Just the perfect start for an organic farm; on a land untouched by conventional farming.

We met with Encik A who is sort of the village focal point, who is gathering the multitude of land owners to consolidate the lands. He has experience in organic farming and very enthusiastic with Mr Wong's venture. I was there to help out in the agreement and subsequently the organic practice in the farm.

I must admit although I am a qualified horticulturist, the last time I supervised any large scale planting was more than a decade ago, and those were landscaping projects...haha.

Anyway, I draw inspiration from Jannie, who ensures the organic produce in her shops are truly organic because she eats them herself. I would help ensure that the vegetable and fruit produce in this coming farm is indeed organic because I will be eating them myself!

Other incentives include lots of mature fruit trees around the farm and office area...yahoo! :)

More details will be shared as this project progresses. It's time I brush up on my organic agriculture knowledge! :)