Friday, May 6

Sinseh and Qi Qong master

I met with one Chinese medicine master (sinseh) and one Qi Qong master today.

The Chinese medicine master has seen me twice before. This time he prescribed a special powder to be taken orally. It was supposed to cleanse the tumor from the brain area. He asked me to do another CT scan before the Wednesday to see if there is any difference.

The Qi Qong master was recommended by Roy, Mdm Wee's son. This guy is amazing. He stands in front of me and "Qi" scanned me. He diagnosed me accurately and taught me some basic Qi Qong moves to relieve the stiffness of my shoulder and bring more Qi into my body. He also accurately diagnosed my sister and nephew's ailments. He just stands in front of them and scan them from top to bottom. At the end of his "unplugged" scan, he was perspiring heavily. Awesome!

Will see him again next Tuesday. He will then check whether I am able to proceed with more advanced steps. He said if my muscles relaxes, the chances of recovery would be good. He asked whether I am still working, I said no, he said so be disciplined and do the exercices. I tried to probe whether he will give advice on the possible brain radiotherapy. He said he won't give such advice, it is entirely up to me.

Anyway, both of these experience gives me more confidence for next week.