Tuesday, June 14

Seek first to understand...

Yesterday Yuen Fong brought a Feng Shui master to our home. He was supposed to advise the feng shui of our home. Well, we are open to new adventures so we agreed initially when Yuen Fong suggested it. This master went to our house and like a stormtrooper began to attack the way the furniture and other household stuff are aligned. He cast an extremely critical eye on almost nearly every aspect of the house.

My sister and I are not very happy with the way he goes about his consultation. He did not seek first to understand why some of the furniture are the way they are; or why there are some weird renovation done in the house. Most of the things he criticised came about when the three old folks were taken care by my sister and her family.

There were desperate measures like constructing toilet and bath in bedrooms, mixing of different sofas and various stuff which the feng shui master critised without fully understanding the reasons. Even after we tried to explain, he is quite dogmatic in his diagnosis. He even asked us to throw away the wheelchair which grandma and dad used; and to remove the bath; without appreciating I am using them now!

He said the household won't be at peace of the feng shui remained as they are now. He still don't comprehend that the sick people who stayed at my sister's place got sick elsewhere, and have to come to my sister's house to recuperate. My sister's house is like a place of hope for desperately ill people like me! It is not the cause of the disease but the point of recuperation!!!! Why can't you just simply try to understand this,sir?!

His presence in our house is not very pleasant. But there are some aspect of his advise which we will follow; like making an altar for ancestors and "re-activate" the outside altar for the Sky deity. We will also re-align the dining table and remove a sofa which is in front of the main door.

Anyway, please sir, before you storm into someone's house and start criticising the household, seek first to understand...