Saturday, July 2

...and the profound

Met with Jannie again on Thursday. Had lunch at her place. She is an inspiration. I am looking forward to the new organic farm venture. This is an organic farm where the produce are truly organic. A farm where the planters not just plant mechanically but to plant with cancer patients in mind. Planting with a heart towards environment conservation.

After the China trip, which is very soon, I will start to do work again with in the environment arena. Have you noticed how environment features so frequently now in the media? Especially with the recent hoo-haa over fuel prices.

People are beginning to notice our lifestyle is so dependent on the type and quantity of fuel we use. Fossil fuel is the driving force behind of lifestyle since its discovery.

People usually thought environment protection only means green issues; conserving forest and saving cute animals...not so...taking action on the environment means being efficient and effective usage of the earth resources; which is the building block of our economy.

Anyway, this topic deserves a blog or website of its own ( This is will be another of my project; revival of!!! :)

Another project of mine is to spread my adventure to a wider audience. At the urging of many friends who read my blog, I would like more people to share my story.