Monday, November 14


On 9 Oct, I went to an interesting seminar/ceremony. It is a Ichi-Nen-Kimyo (INK) ceremony. This is how INK was explained in the organiser's form:
"God grant us human body & life to enable our soul to grow spritually. During INK, we give our body & life back to God to enable all our Karma to be saved. At the same time, our sould is uplifted to a higher level to enable us to save other souls. INK therefore gives you the ability to save all other souls and become the saviour of all souls."

The master is a Japanese called Master Akira Kawachi. The seminar opened with a horrible musical performance by the Master's wife and son on a Japanese koto. One of the pieces is a mutilated "Rasa Sayang, eh" which I could not recognise at all.

The next session opened with the MC and an interpreter telling an incredulous "testimony" by a departed person (I didn't get to asking about how the dead person sent the message), who is a student of the Master. The dead person arrived in paradise where all the gods were so excited that a student of the Master is in their midst, and was expecting some sermon. There are some details which I could not quite catch but the bottomline is the gods in paradise were in awe of Master Akira. Hmmm...

The next session is a talk by Master Akira himself. A pint-sized man, he has a pleasant smiling face and disposition. He speaks in Japanese and the MC interpreted his talk in Mandarin. I must confess my Mandarin is not that good, so I won't comment much. But from what I understand; he talked about being grateful, for things which we usually take for granted such as the good functioning of an automatic door which opens for us!

But basically I agree with his premise that we must be give gratitude and not just grumble when things go wrong. He also emphasised about giving merits instead of always asking for favours when we pray. That I like very much. Usually in prayers or offerings, many would ask favours from their God, and usually that's all they do. Why can't we share our merits?

After his talk, the next session is where Master Akira did some rituals to enable the audience to reach the "higher level". The session starts with the Master showing us how to do a proper prayer. It involves some praying steps like bowing and special hand positions.

Next, he starts the ritual to bring people up to a higher level; Ichi-Nen-Kimyo. Participants queued up, sit on a chair, nod vigouresly 3 times, Akira puts his thumb on the person's forehead and yells "Hait!". Done. You are upgraded!

While the INK was going on, I went to a sales booth at the back of the seminar room. They are selling books of the Master and his family, and key chains with his image. There is also a photo him at a beachside for sale. I find this really incredible...and so are the prices! The most expensive photo is RM80; a potrait of him and his family. Is there really a demand for this? And isn't this smacks of egoism?

The Master's teaching seems to be a mixture of Mahayana Buddhism and something else. Buddha certainly didn't talk about a creator God.

I didn't join in the INK because I think it was unnecessary. And after the sight of the photo & keychains, I lost interest in INK. I went off before the ceremony was over. Overall, a very memorable experience :)