Thursday, December 15


Today is the 1st anniversary of Grandma's demise, according to the Chinese calendar. 3rd Uncle and aunty, cousin Ah Tze and family and my family held a simple prayer ceremony to commemorate the occasion.

We talked about old times. Uncle told about his adventures in pre-war KL when he and 2nd Uncle nursed Grandma after she have birth to my mom; how he could only cook egg+ginger as confinement nourishment for Grandma because they were very poor at that time.

He also spoke of how Grandma once chased after a bully who hit him until he bled from the head. That's a surprising side of Grandma which I didn't know; she was very petite and such a sweet gentle soul; guess Grandma can turn into a lioness when her son was bullied!

And of course we talked about 3rd Aunty's talent in cooking and making delicious festivies cookies. I blogged about my happy childhood memories of her here.