Thursday, November 17

Reiki Step 1

Went to Michael's for Reiki Step 1 course. Took the Komuter train from Seremban to Subang Jaya. It was absolutely freezing in the cabin; that's common in commercial buildings and trains in Malaysia; I think they set it to 10-15 degrees celcius. Good thing I had extra layer of clothing plus a thick jacket, and a cap to cover my bald head...haha :)

Had wantan mee at Michael's sister's place before proceeding to his centre. I am the only student with Janet sitting in. Janet is also Michael's student but at Reiki Master's level.

He started off with how he get to know Reiki. Then going into the history and mechanics of Reiki. Reiki evolves a lot around the cosmic energy surronding us, and how good health means tapping into that energy. He uses a lot of examples of energy as defined by physics, and so the whiteboard is full of solenoid and electric circuit illustrations; you would have thought this is a physics class!

He tried to show the similarities between energy as defined in Reiki and orthodox physics. There are discussion about vibration in atoms and connection to vibration surrounding us.

He also talked about maintaining our body. Reiki recognises that there is a physical body and a etheric body. The physical body has the 6 major glands as the centres while the etheric body has 7 centres called chakras. Yes, we do physical exercises to maintain our physical self, but do we do, or do enough of "cosmic" exercises to maintain our etheric or cosmic self? Cosmic exercises include Reiki, qigong, meditation and yoga.

Reiki helps to enhance our intuition beyond the usual usage of the brain capacity. We then go into the different types of Reiki treatment; there are 5 types of Reiki treatments. The hands is the main conduit of cosmic energy due to its numerous meridians.

After the lessons, he and Janet did a Reiki treatment for me.

Took the train home again. Stopped at Mid-Valley Megamall. I thought of checking out MPH, but time does not permit; don't want to get caught in the office crowd, and my legs quite weak still.

I was really very tired after this whole day outing. Slept at 7pm, and woke up on-0ff throughout the night. This is usual when I am on steroid; it just messes up my sleeping times. Anyway, woke up at 5am, and did the qigung and Reiki. But is still feeling tired in the daytime. Not sure if this is remnants of the radiotherapy session or the trip. I remembered when I had radiotherapy to the spine, I had extreme lethargy a few weeks after the radiotherapies.