Wednesday, June 15

Roger Hamilton

Before Cancer (BC) I used to go to previews of financial management, entrepreneur and motivation previews and seminars. It's fun and the previews are usually free...haha...I get to meet lots of people striving to improve themselves financially and personally.

I also take the opportunity to see how the various speakers convey their message; how effective their style of presentation and the teaching techniques they use. All these I learn and apply for my own work.

The best I have attended is one by Roger Hamilton ( ( I signed up for one of his personal coaching last year. But when I was stricken with cancer, I decided to consolidate my finances.

I asked to be to de-registered from his coaching and asked for a refund for the remainder of the coaching programme. Roger immediately refunded. I am very grateful for his prompt response; no questions asked. Thanks, Roger!

Another thing I like about Roger's set-up is the XL magazine which is a magazine for and of entrepreneurs, but with a social conscious. It gives free advertisement space to NGOs and features conservation news around the world. The articles are well-written and personality featured are always very engaging (